"A haiku is a short poem recording the essence of a moment keenly perceived in which Nature is linked to human nature."
- Cor Van Den Heuvel

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Haiku a Day Keeps the Boredom Away?

"A haiku is not just a pretty picture in three lines of 5-7-5 syllables each. In fact, most haiku in English are not written in 5-7-5 at all - many are not even written in three lines. What distinguishes a haiku is concision, perception, and awareness - not a set number of syllables. A haiku is a short poem recording the essence of a moment keenly perceived in which Nature is linked to human nature." - Cor Van Den Heuvel in my sweet Haiku Anthology I got for Christmas.

A month or so ago I decided to become obsessed with haiku. So this is my blog dedicated to that. Here are some that I've written so far.

big white bed
time spent in dreams
whether waking or asleep

boisterous voices
gossip over fast food
on china plates

muddy, frozen earth...
memory of orion
when his belt alights us

Christmas ham
to sandwich duty

And here are the two I wrote today on the plane.

the mountains
protect us
from the sky

forgotten dollars
found in coat pockets -
winter is here

1 comment:

curtispaulelliott said...

oh man. i really like the christmas ham and mountain protection from sky ones.