"A haiku is a short poem recording the essence of a moment keenly perceived in which Nature is linked to human nature."
- Cor Van Den Heuvel

Thursday, May 29, 2008


hate hate hate

jekyll and hyde
how can one
become two?

muted candlelight
memories made
over soft-spoken prayers

Monday, May 12, 2008

Big Brother Is Going Down

Me: i just sent an email about the papyrus and i think because of that i'm in trouble and there's a meeting
Other Person: wait, why would you be in trouble?
Me: well it's a really long story
Me: that i don't want to type out
Other Person: can you summarize it in a haiku?

Greenville's Big Brother
embodied by Norman Hall
censors our free speech

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I got this in my email today.

first sun in days

bees bees bees
in the rosemary